Saturday, March 08, 2014

Low key photography for children

In photography we often talk about whether or not a set up is in "high key" or white colors or "low key" in dark colors.  The traditional go to set up for children in my experience would be the brighter lighter colors.  There's a number of reasons for that some technical and some just preference.  Today I thought I would challenge the norm and do some child photos in a low key set up.  I don't mind this at all.  I think that it accentuates the child and brings more drama to the photo that a bright well lit scene.  What do you think?

Arm knit scarf ~ fashion forward photography.

The other evening I was invited over with a neat bunch of ladies to try out arm knitting.  I had never heard of it before, but seeing as how attention to detail is something I need improvement with I accepted the offer to learn to arm knit.  Well what a fun evening.  At the end of about an hour I had this fabulous chunky knit scarf to show for my time.

And as you know any new fashion accessory is a good excuse for a photo shoot in my books! 
Until next time...